My daughter is curled up beside me

and I know that these
will slip into fog
as quickly as they
spontaneously happen.

Her pre-teen head is angled
on my shoulder
her gangly
long fawn-like
are layered
against my
and aged

I don't move
breathe too heavily.
I might
her away.

And I know
that this moment
is the most important
that will happen

8 responses to “My daughter is curled up beside me”

  1. This is beautiful. You brought the image to light so clearly yet concisely. Using “fawn-like” was perfect because preteens can be spooked as easily as those elusive fawns. 

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! Also, her legs are so long and she’s still awkward on them at times. Like a fawn. I call her that a lot — gangly fawn. So it fits on many levels. 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  2. Lovely – the overarching metaphor is just right. Fawn-like, indeed. So glad you get to savour these moments.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you — I am just glad I had the wherewithal to notice so I had something to write about 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  3. This slice is perfect and so true. These are very important lines,

    ‘will slip into fog
    as quickly as they…”

    I agree, they grow so quickly. Enjoy these “moments.”

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Like all your readers, I love this moment and your poem. The image of your daughter’s legs against yours that you paint for us is the heart of the poem, and the feeling of barely breathing so as to not spook a wild animal! We get it!!


  5. Guarded breath to protect the moment fleeting like fog…This is precious.💕


  6. Heidi,

    This is a lovely poem that’s touching my tender heart and making me think of those long ago days w/ my children. Maybe that’s why I have dogs. I need the body curled beside mine.

    Liked by 1 person

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