Playing Apartment

My kids are playing
Small paper doorbells and
3B on graph paper.

I jokingly ask
where the bathroom is
and pretend
to visit them as adults.

I see that Comic-Con
is happening
and Cosplay is still
a thing. Tickets
are still on

I know that
in Gaza
there is starvation

and I wonder

what would happen
if their imaginary apartments
were next
under the
wrecking ball of

6 responses to “Playing Apartment”

  1. yeah, this image of homes made of paper in a home that is actually safe really sets up the weight of the final stanza where imagination meets reality

    Liked by 1 person

  2. My safety/privilege is something I often take for granted. It is so easy to shut out the news and what is happening in the world around me. Thank you for the stark reminder.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The juxtaposition of children at play and under the siege of war is appropriately jarring. I was just thinking of the privilege I have this very day of choosing to wander about my house in pajamas and do whatever I want, without worrying about food, shelter, clean running water, safety. It’s also a good reminder to be a safe place for the children in my care at work, many of whom are newcomers from unsafe situations in their homelands. Thanks for the thoughtful post today.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. This is very poignant. People of conscience should be thinking these awful thoughts. The problem is, what to do beside think and feel?

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Wow! The juxtaposition of these two images really caught me off guard & made me recognize how much I’ve allowed myself to become numb to the horrors of Gaza. It’s powerfully effective. Makes me think of the song “Little boxes” – makes me wish I knew what to *do*.

    Liked by 1 person

  6. My kids used to play travel agency when they were growing up. I’d always pretend to be going on a trip somewhere and they’d be booking me hotels and airplane tickets. Your kids playing apartment sounds fun.

    Your poem is powerful! You think about all that’s happening around the world and recognize that privilege and safety feeling. Hard to reconcile the two worlds.

    Liked by 1 person

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